In 2023, Chicago Dancemakers Forum was selected by DanceWorks Chicago to carry on the 15-year legacy of DanceChance, a one-hour event designed to offer opportunities for local dancemakers to share their work in a low-stakes environment and to engage in dialogue about the creative process with peers and dance enthusiasts. Inspired by the concept of open-mic night, DanceChance is held once a month and features 3 dancemakers chosen by chance, each of whom has up to a 10-minute time slot to share their work (can be choreographed, improvised, or communal in nature). To round out the hour, the last segment is a moderated conversation with the participating dancemakers to discuss their work/process. At the end of each DanceChance, the next trio of participants is chosen by random draw from names submitted by dancemakers in attendance who choose to put their name in the hat. For example, to have an opportunity to participate in the July DanceChance, dancemakers would need to be in attendance at the June DanceChance. Participating dancemakers will each receive $100 and video documentation of their sharing. Chicago Dancemakers Forum credits and thanks DanceWorks Chicago for the design and description of this program, as well as Ruth Page Center for the Arts and Lou Conte Dance Studio who served as in-kind venue partners throughout the years.