Ále Campos

Virtual Experience Manager
A headshot of an individual.


Ále Campos is a multi-disciplinary artist and performer whose elastic studio practice is anchored by drag and their persona, Celeste. They create a variety of works that span live and mediated performance and the mediums of video, text, sound and installation. Along with drag they implement body-mounted cameras, green screen, live streams, projections and other bodies in their work as a framework for constructing images, playing with the gaze and scales of (in)visibility, reflecting back at the proliferation of queer images and skirting our expectations of how we experience performance art. For them, performance is centered around image making, anchored in embodiment. Their practice is fortified by their role as curator, producer and host of a variety of happenings and events that center drag and queer performance. In 2018, they started a still-standing, monthly queer performance evening in Hudson, NY. In the summer of 2020, they received a grant from the City of Hudson, NY to design and create a mobile stage to host a variety of artists during the pandemic. In December of 2021, they co-curated a night of drag and dj sets by queer, BIPOC artists, with Jeffrey Gibson at Kavi Gupta Gallery in Chicago, IL. For them drag is a mindset – it is made manifest in makeup, costume and affect and can extend as a mode of looking at and engaging with the world.
